Episode 29

Episode #27 - Finding Our Best Solutions From Business Problems

This episode focuses on the final service of the business: business coaching. This is the more flexible of the solutions made available through Your Speaking Voice LLC. No matter what kind of business it is (non-profit, corporation, or small business idea waiting to be grown), walking through the unlimited options for growth is important. Businesses, however, also have problems, and this episode focuses on this aspect as well with ways this coaching business can help others achieve successful results.

This is part sixth (and final part) of a series of episodes exploring the wide variety of services that Your Speaking Voice LLC provides to interested clients.

Visit Our Website: https://speaking-from-the-heart.captivate.fm/

Visit Our Business Website: https://www.yourspeakingvoice.biz

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Intro/Outro By: Michael Dugan, Podcast Host: Voice4Chefs


Welcome to the podcast where relationships, confidence, and


determination, all converge into an amazing, heartfelt experience.


This is Speaking From The Heart.


Welcome back to episode number 27 of Speaking From the Heart.


Today, we're going to talk about the final service that my business offers


that helps anyone, no matter where you're at in the world, to become


better at what you provide, and I think that is the underpinning of what


all of society requires us to have in order for us to function moving

forward, and that is:

business coaching.

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Business coaching isn't just limited to just corporations.

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I'm actually talking about non-profits.

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I'm talking about small businesses.

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I'm talking about any type of entity that is having any sort of solution

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that they need to have in order to overcome a problem that they might

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need to overcome, especially if they're going through some tough times in

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their growth and in their development.

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Being that I have been in state government for over 13 years, I've had

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the opportunity to work with businesses of all sizes in a variety of different

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capacities, and know that from the side in which I view this as, being able to

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see what businesses go through often means taking a look underneath the hood of

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what they are essentially going through.

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In other words, it isn't just about finding the problems that might exist,

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but finding the best solutions that help to address what might actually be

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transpiring, because problems aren't necessarily the word that I want to use in

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the context of this discussion today when talking about the services that I offer.

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Problems come from all shapes and different sizes, and they often might

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have some difficulty in being able to be categorized in such a way that really fits

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what sort of things need to be done in order to fix whatever the situation is.

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Instead of using the word problem, however, I would like to use the word

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context, because having the business context of what is actually transpiring

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can help us to understand what might need to be the path moving forward.

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Now, this isn't just your run of the mills, problem solving, one stop shop

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here at Your Speaking Voice, LLC.

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It's actually about understanding what could be the ways in which we move

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forward while still obtaining the mission and the vision and the values of what

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you go through, and just like any good business, my business will always have

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some sort of problem because we're trying to always redefine what might be

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the possible solution that we need to address, or should I say the context.

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For me, especially, understanding what it can be to address whether I'm having

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accounting issues, legal issues, or having some sort of internal strife

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that's causing me to have these problems in the first place, oftentimes means

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addressing the undertone of what is actually happening in the first place.

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In other words, understanding what causes those contexts to occur might

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help us to get to the root of ways in which we can create solutions.

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I think that we oftentimes overthink the problems, or the contexts, that we

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have so that we are always spending so much meticulous time trying to solve

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something that might not need to be solved because it isn't just about what

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you might view as the context, it's what everybody else views as the context.

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A perfect example of this is even some of the things that I have seen in state

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government over the last 13 years that I've worked, have included things that

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maybe might be normal for some people that are really attuned to what happens

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in government in general, but it isn't just about dealing with what is happening

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all the time, it's about understanding what some of the things are that are

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motivating those contexts; whether the people are saying things, whether

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they're doing something that might not be attuned to what other people are seeing.

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Oftentimes it goes to the root of what this is really all about:

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communication and leadership.

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Communication, especially in an organization, is truly important so

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that you're able to have not only the parameters of what you're trying to

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achieve, but you have a set of processes and procedures that will help you guide

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that employee or employees along the way.

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It also means understanding too that even if you're just one person, having

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an outside context that helps bring in a different thought or perspective

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can help radically change what those problems, or contexts are, and create

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some of the best solutions that are out there that we often don't think about.

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When we're thinking about the fact that growth is so important to be able to

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have those options available to us, we often have to look to the outside

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lenses of what we're actually going through or understanding so that we

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can be able to move the needle forward.

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I think for businesses, especially that have problems, oftentimes do not see

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because they have what I like to call groupthink, and I see that happen,

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especially in agencies within the government that might have this one

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thought of how it always has been done, but is not willing to expand upon what are

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some other ways to do it, and it doesn't mean that it's a bad idea, maybe because

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there's some sort of regulation or some sort of thought process that's involved

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with having some of the things that we are working through, but we also have to

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understand that businesses have to focus on what we can do to help coach to get

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to that other side, which often might involve a variety of different tools and

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solutions, which my business provides.

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It isn't just about the ideas that we can generate to help solve those

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problems, or even the ways in which we take tactfully the way that we move

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forward, but it's about understanding and learning through the coaching

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business how we can achieve success by being able to learn from peers and being

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able to apply it into a new solution.

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I think the best way to talk about it without being so theoretical

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is to talk about an example that even I have gone through when it

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relates to these sort of problems.

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For me, especially as I've started out this business, one of the biggest

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things that was always a problem was making sure that clients that were

forward, and that is:

interested in approaching me had the right methodology of learning about

forward, and that is:

what my business is all about, and I was one of those people that was so paper


having these questionnaires, having them fill out all these different


forms, and then I realized that the client just wants to get a solution.


Why am I burdening them with more paperwork, more information, and having


them to explain themselves all over again, when I can just meet with them face to


face and have those questions answered?


I changed radically the way in which I even did business early on after I


realized and received some great advice from a mentor of mine that allowed me


to understand that maybe the way that I was doing it wasn't always going to


be the best way that I should approach it because, although I wanted to get


all this information, the way in which I was doing it was not conducive.


Retooling or relearning how we do these things is so vitally important


so that we are able to grow, especially when it comes to sales.


Another prime example of this is even getting the word of


mouth out about my own business.


Truthfully, it's very much a struggle to sometimes get the word of mouth


out, even with all the vast channels of social media at my disposal, but learning


the ways in which I can incorporate my messaging, even through this podcast,


which I've been doing throughout the last several episodes, detailing what my


business is all about, has shown me that there are a wide variety of different


ways in which we can communicate the same message by not always relying


on the same traditional channels.


By being able to be more diverse in the ways in which we provide offerings, and


being able to achieve the same effective result, it has allowed me to grow and


be able to become more recognized in the bigger world, but it doesn't always


mean that sometimes those same solutions that work today are going to work in


the future, which is something else I provide, which is actually evaluating


what businesses are currently doing after gathering all the information


that's necessary and providing an assessment of what can be done to help


change course or give recommendations.


Again, just like any other coaching relationship, although providing my


perspective does mean that the other side has to embrace it just as much


so that we're able to move from where those best solutions are, but to be


able to embrace what the solutions are being provided that are on the table.


Because of the ways in which businesses operate and especially the type of


business that you have, it could certainly make a big difference in the


ways in which we're able to communicate effectively and lead effectively as


well, so that we're able to go in the direction that we thought we were going.


Being able to embrace change, especially when it comes to this sort of subject


matter, is truly important to understand and communicate effectively because if


you're not understanding that, especially with the person that is making these


decisions to implement the changes, everything will fall apart, which is why


I always give tips and suggestions when it comes to these sort of aspects to help


learn and engage in the ways in which we can make substantial growth occur, not


only with the person that is leading that change, but also the ones that have to


implement or follow along with it as well.


This is why it's so difficult sometimes for businesses, even after providing


recommendations to embrace those sort of changes, and I've even seen with


some individuals, especially as I venture into this new world, having


that difficulty sometimes of wanting to embrace that change because of


the potential red tape or even the bureaucracy that might be involved.


When we take a big step back from what we've been actually doing and looking at


it at the lens of which we are able to accomplish things, the world radically


changes because of the ways in which we're able to make and systemically change the


thought process that goes along with it, and that's what this is really all about.


It's changing the thought process and thinking about ways in which we have


never explored before so that we are able to then be able to do what we


were set out to do in the first place.


Seeing that growth is not only important, but being able to embrace the context


of that new change is why this is so important at its heart, and at its core,


to be able to implement successful change.


For the longest time, I have always believed, especially when going through


school and learning about the ways in which businesses are formed and then


managed, had to be done in a certain way.


There always had to be a methodical set of steps, but that's the


academic in me that was once talking.


Now that I have real world experience that I've been able to apply over


the last several years, I've noticed that there isn't one clear cut


solution to every single problem.


Everyone feels that it's about feeling comfortable about change,


that's what's really important.


Being able to embrace what you're able to do; to be able to see and say what


is on your mind; to be able to have a participation and the solution that


needs to drive the direction the business all contribute to the different types


of ways in which an organization moves forward, but I would struggle to even say


today that that isn't always the case.


We need to be able to embrace, in this radically different world in


which is always changing because of the rate of which technology has


grown, which I even talk about with my professional development coaching in


the last episode when we discussed my professional development opportunities


that are available to clients.


This is all about understanding not just what you can do personally,


especially in the ways in which you can enhance your quality of skill


sets and knowledge and abilities, but it's about understanding with full


conviction and trust that you have something that you can share with others.


Not only is it about you, it's about everybody that's involved.


Being able to understand and gauge what is important, especially with the people


that you're going to be implementing this change with and the people that


are affected, means understanding the culture of the organization.


Context is why everything starts with just that one word, because if you


understand the context in which you're trying to change and you learn a little


bit more about what is actually involved in the first place when it comes to


that change, you can certainly make strides and differences along the way


that allow you to create some of the coaching opportunities that will help


you at all levels of the organization.


It's not just about setting goals in this example, but it's about also


implementing the ways in which you will deploy those sort of tasks.


That's something that we offer as well as part of the business coaching format.


You have to understand to implement that change requires also getting


everyone else on the same page, because isn't that what this is all about?


Being able to change?


I think for many of us, especially with all the services that I provide,


even in the past episodes that I have shared this with you throughout the


summer months, have shown to you that there's a lot that we can provide


here at Your Speaking Voice LLC.


No matter if you're a individual, or your company, or you're something in


between, you have the opportunity to change everything about what you're doing


and provide a perspective that otherwise wouldn't be provided if it wasn't for


somebody giving you advice and helping you to understand where you're coming from.


Whether that's preparing for your next interview, having your resume written,


maybe even getting some life coaching and public speaking coaching along the


way, being able to professionally develop yourself or even change the model of


your business as a whole, all these things contribute to the voice that we


have, and I think that's why it's so important to not only establish the great


relationships of people so that you're able to institute that change, but you


have the confidence to lead forward in making those changes in your life


with determination and the support of someone like me: a coach that's willing


to have your back every step of the way.


With somebody like that, especially when it comes to business coaching, not only


are you changing the problem that you have, or the context, you're helping


yourself create the best version of everything that you could ever imagine.


Not even just your voice, but the way that you enhance where you currently are today


and moving yourself to the future, because you are the guiding lights of the world.


It doesn't matter where you are at in the organization.


It doesn't matter what you are within your own personal or professional development.


It doesn't matter if you need to be polished a little bit more


when it comes to your resume or even your interview technique.


All it takes is for you to realize that you have all these wonderful skills


to share to the world and that you're able to change where you are going.


If all you're able to do is be able to say that you want to make that


change, no matter what situation it is, I'm willing to work with you.


If you are willing to say that you're able to do what you need to do in order


to create the best version of yourself, I'm ready to sign you up, but more


importantly, above anything else, if you're willing to carry forward something


that systemically changes you for the rest of your life, let alone the trajectory


in which you want to accomplish, you are going to be the best version of anything


the world has ever seen, and to me, that means so much to not only coaches.


Family members, professional development people, or any


other group for that matter.


It means that you are the shining star that everyone else wants to look up to,


and for that, money will never be able to buy that, and I think that for many


of us, money is no object when you have that kind of success going behind you.


All it takes is just changing your mindset.


Thanks for listening to episode number 27 of Speaking from the


Heart, and I look forward to hearing from your heart very soon.


Thanks for listening.


For more information about our podcast and future shows, search for Speaking From


The Heart to subscribe and be notified wherever you listen to your podcasts.


Visit us at www.yourspeakingvoice.biz for more information about potential


services that can help you create the best version of yourself.

About the Podcast

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Speaking From The Heart
Your Speaking Voice LLC's Business Podcast

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About your host

Profile picture for Joshua Smith

Joshua Smith

Joshua D. Smith is the Owner and Founder of Your Speaking Voice, a life coaching, business coaching, and public speaking company based in Carlisle, PA. Serving clients across the world, Joshua got his start in personal/professional development and public speaking in April of 2012 through his extensive involvement in an educational non-profit organization called Toastmasters International.

Toastmasters International operates clubs both domestically and internationally that focus on teaching leadership, development, and public speaking skills. Joshua quickly excelled in Toastmasters International and found that he had a passion for leadership and helping others find their confidence and their true "speaking voice". Joshua has held all club officer roles and most District level positions in Toastmasters International and belongs to numerous clubs throughout the organization. Joshua has also been recognized as two-time Distinguished Toastmaster, the highest award the organization bestows for achievement in leadership and communication.

Outside of his community involvement, education is something that Joshua has always taken great pride in. His academic achievements include a number of degrees from Alvernia and Shippensburg University. He earned a Bachelor's degree in political science and communications from Alvernia in 2009, a masters of business administration from Alvernia in 2010, and later a masters in public administration from Shippensburg in 2014.

In the professional world, Joshua has held multiple positions with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for over 14 years which includes a variety of data analytics, procurement, budgeting, business process improvement (IT and non-IT), legal compliance, and working with the blind. He has applied his public speaking and development skills in the professional world to tackle numerous public speaking engagements and presentations from all levels of the organization, including executive management.

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Every donation to the show will support the overall mission of Your Speaking Voice LLC, a company geared towards the transformation of individuals and companies by finding the hidden "voice" that is inside all of us.
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Melody da Silva $30
Keep up the amazing work, bestie!!
Kris Pool $25